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5 Must-Read Romance Novels For Every Book Lover

I love to read and one of my favorite genres is Romance. Over the last few years I have plowed through quite a few and have a few that I wanted to suggest.

Paris Connection Imagine going on a romantic European getaway with your boyfriend, ending up at his sister's wedding. Then imagine seeing some interesting text exchanges between your boyfriend and one of the bridesmaids!!! This book is full of twists and turns and mishaps too. Hannah is our main character and she gets separated from her boyfriend, Simon, on their train ride to his sister's wedding. Upon learning of this mistake she meets Leo. Since they are temporarily stranded in France, Leo shows Hannah the sights. Will the misunderstandings be solved between Hannah and Simon? Or will Leo show Hannah what the true meaning of love means?

The Shadow in The Glass Think, Gothic twist on the classic tale of Cinderella. This one has mystery, intrigue and I broke out in a cold sweat a few times! It's got the same basic structure as Cinderella, but the setting is different, there's a few extra characters and a darker magic within.

As Old As Time Apart of the Twisted Tale renditions of the original Disney Classics. As Old As Time is a retelling of the story of Beauty & the Beast. What if Belle's mother was the enchantress who cast her spell over the Prince and his castle? This book brilliantly retells the story of the classic French classic, Beauty and the Beast.

Pride and Prejudice A classic novel, and one of my favorites from Jane Austen's works. Enemies to Lovers, Regency Era. Most Janeites will tell you that Jane Austen's works were making fun of the ridiculous courting rituals of the time and that she was not a Romance Novelist. And while I think that is true, I also cannot help finding the moments of love between Darcy and Elizabeth throughout this whole story, not just for one another but for their family and friends as well.

Anne of Manhattan It appears I am a fan of twists of classics :) Based on the beloved characters from Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Manhattan finds us in modern day New York. Avonlea is a small town in America and Gilbert and Anne have a complicated history. They've known each other since they were kids, but their Senior year they shared an intimate kiss. Now years later they find themselves at the same University, confused on whether they like each other or if the other one truly likes them in return.

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