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Spring Cleaning Your Makeup Bag

Something many of us don't even think about is giving our makeup bags or even our skin care shelf a deep clean in the Spring.

Where are my makeup people at??? It can be so much fun trying out different makeup brands, shades, colors and mediums when applying our daily or weekly pops of color. But many experts say that mascara tubes, lipsticks and foundation bottles need to be tossed after 1 month of usage. I have never agreed with that philosophy, mostly due to the price of makeup and it feels wasteful to toss a bottle away when there's plenty of good stuff inside!

If you are a religious wearer of makeup, maybe by 1 months time you are about at the end of your supply anyway. But if you wear it semi-regularly, like me, you may want to hang onto it for awhile longer.

My rule of thumb is if it's a few years old, cakey or crumbly/drying out, then it's definitely time to dispose of it.

If you only wear makeup for special occasions and don't want to waste, try seeing if you can get a sample size or even the travel sized version of your favorite items.

You may also be thinking you're in the clear if you stay away from makeup altogether, but if you have any sort of cleansers, moisturizers, toners or serums this applies to you too.

Go through your skincare bottles, make sure nothing has become discolored, or is thickened/thinned, is coming out clumpy etc. We don't want to put anything harmful on our skin, so be mindful of cleaning out any expired skincare items.

If you notice there is a lot of waste, there's no need to feel ashamed, but this may prove to be helpful when shopping for makeup and skincare in the future, only but what you are going to use, and if you can recycle old bottles and such, do!

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