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Empowering Your Wardrobe: The Fashion Brand That Fights Against Human Trafficking

One of the greatest blessings from working for a direct sales company with a mission to give back and touch the community in a positive way, is getting to know brands like Elegantees.

I have raved about them on social media and I believe I created a post all about them a few years ago right here on my blog. But I love everything about this brand.

The material on 95% of their products are buttery soft, which makes me feel comfortable all day long. I've described it as comfy-chic because not only are they comfortable to wear but they also are designed to perfection. They are also a size-inclusive brand, S-3X and they have models of all shapes and sizes. No matter if you're wearing a lounge piece from them or a dress, it enhances your femininity and always makes me feel confident in my body and in myself!

They support and are apart of the fight to end human trafficking. Their owner Katie is very vocal and passionate on this issue through her social media and it reflects in her work for this brand she has created. When you receive your garment in the mail, you receive a hand written note from the woman who created it. It's so beautiful to feel connected through a piece of clothing as women but also as a consumer. These women are free because of the work that Elegantees does and that is heartwarming.

These survivors and at-risk females are not only employed, but given fair wages and restoration! Imagine living in an impoverished community. Desperate for food to feed your family. These women are deceived into thinking they are going to be given an opportunity to provide financially for their families, all to be sold to brothels. I cannot imagine the horrors and hell they had to go through, but I am grateful that companies like Elegantees finds these beautiful people and gives them hope in their lives, peace in honest and fair working conditions and confidence in their creativity through every stitch as they make these clothes.

Some of you will head over to their website and immediately renege because of the price tag. But I want you to think of how much money you've spent, your entire life, on clothing from stores where you had no clue where the money was going? Or if the people making your clothes are treated fairly and paid well? My guess is you haven't, because I hadn't thought about those things until recent years! The price costs so much because it's going to these seamstresses, and it's keeping Elegantees business afloat. There are so many resources that need to be properly funded to keep a brand like this alive. Especially when in competition with high fashion brands or brands that pocket the money and don't pay their seamstresses well at all.

I love each new season because it means I can browse their website and see what new pieces are coming out. They are the only fashion brand I feel 100% comfortable wearing and supporting and you have to check them out:

Happy shopping!

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