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Fall Fashion

A new season brings a switch of wardrobe. And a new year brings about new trends in the fashion world!

Today's post will be covering just a few of 2021's Fall Fashion trends. Maybe take it upon yourself to see how trendy you are by Shopping your Closet or maybe you'd like to use this as an inspiration of items to collect and add to your closet this Autumn.

Chunky Cardigans

I have always had at least one of these floating around in my closet, and 2021 is bringing this Fall Fashion staple back! If you love to feel cozy, but get hot easily (like myself) Chunky Cardigans are a great layering piece to throw over a tee shirt. They also look absolutely fabulous when paired with your favorite pair of leggings and boots!

Fringe Wraps + Ponchos

This is another trend that is continuing into this year. I went out last year and bought a couple of ponchos. Like the cardigan it serves as a great layering piece, while also giving your outfits a different Fall look.

They come in all sorts of different styles and colors. My favorites are the wraps, again for the ease of taking them off when you get too warm, but I think the pullover ponchos are super cute, especially if you are looking for something to spice up your wardrobe and replace the generic sweater from time to time.

Loose Fitting Pants

When I first saw this trend I thought "oh no, are we bringing Bell Bottoms back???"

But after looking through various different sites and accounts, I think I have to add this trend to my wish list!

Loose fitting pants aren't 1990's baggy or 1970's disco, they look super comfy and add a different dynamic to the plain jeans we already have in our drawers. I'm challenging myself to broaden my fashion horizons this year, how about you?


This one sounds funny, but think "back to school" or even 1980's business woman (minus the shoulder pads 🤣)

Blazers, whether traditional or in the form of a sweater can add an element of sophistication and professionalism. If you opt for the sweater like blazers you can fool the world by looking the part for any business event while also being super comfy!


These are exactly what you think: shirt-jackets!

They look incredibly comfortable, and it gives me the 90's vibe that is so fiercely coming back into style. I think you could even get away with rummaging the husband's wardrobe for this oversized look. Wearing them opened up or partially buttoned and pair them with a graphic tee and leggings or jeans and a hoodie for this ultimate Fall style.

Pastels (Pink)

This last trend I found fascinating, but if you take a look, it is popular everywhere! You can even find them in my DVTD marketplace and support a company that helps women in Nepal stay safe from the dangers of the Sex Trafficking ring HERE.

Pastel pink is specifically huge right now and can be found in blazers, tops, sweaters and accessories! It feels more like a spring trend, but maybe that's the point. Maybe we need these light happy colors to bring us joy in these grayer months ahead!

These were my top 6 favorite trends for Fall Fashion this year. Which items do you already have on hand? Which looks are your favorites/do you have on your wish list??

Let me know in the comments below! Also if you'd like to participate in this season's Shop Your Closet Challenge, please join my Facebook Group "Kaitlyn's VIP Group"

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